
Monday, September 26, 2011

SeaWorld fights OSHA findings in trainer's death

Nineteen months after an animal trainer was killed by one of its killer whales, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment heads to court next week to fight for the future of its iconic Shamu shows. SeaWorld is challenging the results of a federal investigation triggered by the Feb. 24, 2010, death of veteran trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was pulled underwater and killed by Tilikum, a 6-ton killer whale.

Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.

Frankly, I think OSHA is out of its league here. These are not machines with well defined points of danger and risk, they're animals. There will always be an inherent danger in working with the animals, and it's a risk that frankly the trainers understand and accept.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A third Kiwi has been born at the zoo!

A third Kiwi chick hatched at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium on Jul. 17, marking the first time an institution in North America has successfully hatched three kiwi in one year. The Columbus Zoo’s first hatching of the North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) occurred less than four months ago on March 23, while the second hatched on June 25, 2011.

This newest little chick, a female, is currently being cared for behind-the-scenes. The first two chicks are both males and have been given names reflecting their native New Zealand; “Ariki” (ah-ree-kee), meaning first-born or chie,f and “Toa” (to-ah) meaning warrior. The oldest of the chicks, Ariki, can be seen in the Zoo’s Roadhouse nocturnal habitat for a few hours each day.

See pictures here. They're so cute!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Image of the week: Camel

This guy is called "Elvis Camel". I love the way his lip curls up! This was taken during the fall of 2009 at the Detroit zoo.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vintage Zoo Pictures: Columbus Zoo 1985

Next in our vintage zoo pictures series is from probably my favorite zoo. These pictures of the Columbus Zoo were taken in 1985. The zoo has changed so much since then. It's amazing to see the transformation. What along way it has come.Check out the giraffe exhibit which is where the current Asia Quest area sits. I also spy some goats in the petting farm which used to be on the opposite of the zoo. The back of the gorilla pictures says the animal is actually a twin!