
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is the Species Survival Plan (SSP)?

The Species Survival Plan (SSP) is a cooperative animal management and conservation program of the American Zoo ans Aquarium Association. Created in 1982, the intent of the plan is to maintain a healthy and self-sustaining population of the most endangered wild animals that is both genetically diverse and demographically stable. SSP species are often "flagship species," well-known animals which arouse strong feelings in the public for the preservation and protection of the in situ population and their habitat, including the giant panda, California condor, and lowland gorilla. Many staff from zoos across the country serve on national committees to insure the success of SSP programs. There are currently 181 species covered by 113 SSP programs in North America. Look for animals in your local zoo that are part of SSP efforts.

For more information.

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